Programme for Active Learning
Programme for Active Learning
In Maha Bodhi School, the Programme for Active Learning (or PAL) consists of modules of activities in these broad areas, Sports & Games and Outdoor Education, and Performing Arts and Visual Arts. At Primary 1, our students go through the Sports & Games, Drama and Music modules and at Primary 2, our students experience the Outdoor Education, Visual Art and Dance modules. PAL offers learning experiences that are active, hands-on and meaningful.
Characteristics of PAL Modules
Experiential in nature
Encompasses learning in a creative way
Provides opportunities for children to create
Incorporates values education and social-emotional learning
Fun and enjoyable
Learning Outcomes of Programme of Active Learning (PAL)
Learning Outcome 1: Exhibit confidence in what they do and express themselves effectively
Learning Outcome 2: Exhibit curiosity and positive attitudes to learn
Learning Outcome 3: Enjoy group experiences and teamwork