75th Anniversary
On the morning of Friday, 26 May 2023, MBS staff and pupils gathered, bright and early, eager to celebrate an important milestone – Maha Bodhi School’s 75th Anniversary.
Ahead of the 75th Anniversary celebrations, pupils also took part in a 2-week experiential learning programme from 15 to 25 May 2023, where they engaged in collaborative learning activities, exploration of new innovative ideas and learning through hands-on activities. The experiential learning programme culminated with pupils experiencing new and innovative ways in learning as well as enhanced their curiosity in learning.
Pupils observing how a 3D printer works Pupils showing their stick puppets during Culture Camp Pupils working in group on a coding activity
On the joyous day of the 75 th Anniversary, pupils were treated to an hour-long virtual concert put together by their peers. The performances included items by the School Symphonic Band, Guzheng Ensemble, School Choir, Huang Mei Opera, students’ showcase of “Puti Zhang” and a curation of the alumni’s memorable video montages of their school life in Maha Bodhi School. After the concert, the pupils were immersed in an MBS heritage lesson package that promoted the appreciation of their school history and finally concluded the celebrations with various activities.
In the afternoon, the second phase of the school celebrations started off with a flurry of pre-celebration activities, as the guests started streaming in. Guests were involved in Bathing the Lord Buddha as part of Vesak Day Celebrations as well as a tour of the Art Exhibition (Spectrum) and hands-on experience at 3D printing with a 3D pen, making shrinky dinks and button badges.
Guests having a tour of Spectrum Invited guests and teachers participating in a 3D pen experience
With the arrival of our Guest-of-honour, Mr Pang Choon How, Principal of Hwa Chong Institution and an MBS Alumnus, and our distinguished guests, the much-awaited grand triple launch celebrations, that sought to highlight our commitment to preserving our rich heritage, fostering sustainability, and giving back to the community, began.
The celebrations started off with the bathing the Lord Buddha, led by Venerable Kwang Phing, Venerable Kwang Sheng, Venerable Sumana and Venerable You Guang. Venerable Seck Kwang Phing leading the bathing of Lord Buddha ceremony
This was followed by the unveiling of the Heritage Corridor, the launch of the Bodhi Garden, and the launch of our partnership with the Kembangan-Chai Chee Citizen’s Consultative Committee (CCC). Mr Pang unveiling and launching the Heritage Corridor Pupil docent sharing with guests on our school history Launch of the Bodhi Garden Mr Ngoi Khor Peng and VP Madam Leng harvesting vegetables from the Bodhi Garden Presentation of Token of Appreciation to GOH Mr Pang Choon How Presentation of Artwork from Mr Tay Thain Lin to Maha Bodhi School Launch of partnership with Kembangan-Chai Chee Citizen’s Consultative Committee (CCC)
Our Alumni Association contributed a yummy birthday cake and cupcakes for our guests to enjoy while our talented pupils wowed the audience with awe-inspiring performances to showcase their strengths and reflect the rich culture of our school. Guests were taken down memory lane through the video montages that paid tribute to teachers and captured the special moments and memories of the days spent in Maha Bodhi School.
Cake Cutting Ceremony
Emcees of the 75th Anniversary Celebration
Pupils performing Pu Ti Zhang
Band performance
Guzheng Performance
Chinese Opera Performance
Leading up to the 75th Anniversary Celebrations, in line with our theme of Gratitude & Giving, we had launched a special fundraising campaign selling notebooks featuring our school’s 75th-anniversary artwork, which was drawn by Mr Tay Thain Lin. We are thankful to receive generous support for our effort to do our part for the community. All the proceeds will go towards supporting Metta Home for the Disabled.
Presentation of cheque to Metta Home Representative, Ms Felicia Wee
To round up the celebrations, harvests from the Bodhi Garden were distributed to the senior citizens from Kembangan-Chai Chee and the celebrations came to a wrap as all the teachers, pupils and guests, led by the School Choir, sang the Maha Bodhi School Song with pride. Presentation of harvests to the senior citizens
With the passionate singing, the term-long 75th Anniversary celebrations officially come to an end while the pride and nostalgia of being part of the Maha Bodhi family lived on.
菩提学校今年75岁了!对菩提学校全体师生而言,建校75周年是个重 要的里程碑,是一件值得欢庆的事。菩提学校自1948年创校以来,秉承“敦 品励学”的校训,培育出不少的国家栋梁。
我们把庆祝会定在2023年5月26日。在这喜庆的日子到来之前,我们 的学生参与了两周的体验式学习。学校安排了一系列的学习活动让学生参与 ,激发他们对学习的兴趣与培养他们的协作能力等。为期两周的体验式学习 丰富了我们现有的课程,养学生的21世纪技能,为他们的将来做好准备。 2023年5月26日早上,同学们带着期待与兴奋的心情,参加了学校举 办的校庆活动。升旗礼过后,同学们在班上通过网络视频,观看在礼堂进行 的文娱表演。演出的项目有 “菩提掌” 、铜乐队演奏、黄梅戏、古筝演奏、合 唱团献唱《菩提颂》、还有校园日常生活视频剪辑。观看表演后,同学们根 据各自的年级,进行不同的课堂活动。
在下午1点30分,随着嘉宾的莅临,第二阶段的校庆活动正式开启了 。75周年校庆会的主宾是华侨中学校长彭俊豪先生, 他也是菩提的杰出校友 。在广品法师、广声法师、苏曼纳法师,有广法师的引领下,贵宾们在广场 的佛像前进行了浴佛仪式,作为庆祝卫塞节活动之一。接着,贵宾们见证了“ 校史走廊”与“菩提菜园”的开幕仪式。在礼堂,邓校长也正式宣布与景万岸菜 市区公民咨询委员长期合作,并将“菩提菜园”收割的蔬菜捐赠于该区的年长 人士,让他们能够品尝学生辛勤栽种的成果,也让学生们明白要感恩先辈们 为社会所做出的贡献。邓校长也把售卖75周年校庆日笔记本所得的善款转赠 于慈光乐淘苑及智障日间活动中心。这项筹款活动得到了郑天麟先生、菩提 学校教职员工、家长以及学生的大力支持。
多年来,校友会不遗余力的支持母校。这次,校友会也呈上满满祝福 的生日蛋糕与杯子蛋糕,让嘉宾们在观赏精彩的文娱表演时享用。最后,在 学生合唱团的带领下,全体师生和嘉宾们起立唱菩提校歌。校庆在一片激昂 歌声中也画上了一个圆满的句号。